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A 2020 Theme: Externalization

2 minute read

openpilot has come a long way. From supporting 1 car with 0 tests, to supporting 63 cars with a decent test suite. From Python 2.7 to Python 3.7 + a whole lo...

A Tour through openpilot

5 minute read

This document is mostly written for internal consumption, but I figured, why not make it public? openpilot is our open source ADAS system that anyone can con...

A 100x Investment (Part 2)

7 minute read

So I sat down to write part 2, and at first it was exactly what you’d expect. Copying and pasting the titles, “Don’t hand engineer feature spaces”, “Really, ...

A 100x Investment (Part 1)

6 minute read has raised $8.1 million, Zoox has raised $990 million. Cruise and Waymo have raised even more.